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- Individual, Household, and Community Drivers of Dengue Virus Infection Risk in Kamphaeng Phet Province, Thailand.
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- Beneath the surface: Amino acid variation underlying two decades of dengue virus antigenic dynamics in Bangkok, Thailand.
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- Antigenic Evolution of dengue viruses over 20 years.
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- Evaluation of the extended efficacy of the Dengvaxia vaccine against symptomatic and subclinical dengue infection.
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- Lying in wait: the resurgence of dengue virus after the Zika epidemic in Brazil.
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- Reconstructing unseen transmission events to infer dengue dynamics from viral sequences.
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- An Innovative, Prospective, Hybrid Cohort-Cluster Study Design to Characterize Dengue Virus Transmission in Multigenerational Households in Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand.
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- An open challenge to advance probabilistic forecasting for dengue epidemics
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- Opportunities for improved surveillance and control of dengue from age-specific case data
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